Shipments Shipments Furry Freight Ragdoll KittyLeopard DogPuppy SweetieHeeler PupRagdoll KittyPrecious Ragdoll KittyMore FerretsAnother FerretRetriever SweetieMastiff BuddyTortoise Shell SweetiePuppy PowerSphinx!Fun with a SphinxSweetheart RetrieverFerret PairCurious FerretPretty KittyBeautiful MastiffsBeaglesMastiffDorky (Dachshund/Yorky mix)FerretsToy PoodleBordeauxBordeauxLeopard DogLeopard DogGerman PointerBlue HeelerBlue HeelerRetrieversPoodle LoveThe Big Guy to NJAmerican BullyEnglish ShepherdAmerican Staffordshire TerrierA happy little pupMiniature SchnauzerMiniature Schnauzer finds a home.My Shi Tzu friendShi Tzu finds a home.RottweilerBearcub Rotty comes home.Golden RetrieversGolden RetrieversMiniature PinscherTiny Tim finds a home.A sweet pitMiagi visits relativesBeagleA beagle pup to PAA sweet PitBo goes to college. Other Shipments Honda Pioneer 700rA fun ride!A classic rockerA new ride1981 Honda Gold Wing1981 Honda Gold Wing on it's way to EnglandAntique Coffee TableKawasaki Vulcan1988 Harley-Davidson